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日期:2008-03-07 来源:风景名胜网 作者: 我要评论()
九寨沟是中国唯一拥有“世界自然遗产”和“世界生物圈保护区”两项国际桂冠的旅游胜地——九寨沟,位于四川省西北部的阿坝藏族羌族自治州境内的九寨沟县中南部,距成都市区400多公里,与甘肃省接壤。因沟内有菏叶、树正、则渣洼等9座藏族村寨而得名。沟内总面积约1320平方公里,群山环抱之中的一条蜿蜒约60公里的“Y”字型山沟谷地,大大小小118个海子(高山湖泊)星罗棋布地点缀其中,发出璀璨的光芒,构成神秘、奇幻、美艳绝伦、世界罕见的童话世界。 ![]() Beautiful Jiu Zhai is clear and fresh, like a poem, a dream and a lady dressed in white. She will touch and her shadow remains in your heart then leaves lightly, giving you numberless memories and yearning, Heaven is no ionger so important, as visiting JiuZhai······
被誉为"童话世界"、"人间仙境"的九寨沟位于九寨沟县中南部白水江上游,眠山山脉尕尔纳峰北麓。古称中羊峒,又 称翠海,是长江水系嘉陵江源头的一条支沟,海拔2000 - 4300米。景区核心面积720平方公里,外国保护区600平方公 里。东面与绵阳市平武县接壤,西南与松潘县相邻,全境长59公里,东西宽19公里。南距四川省省会成都400多公里,属高山深谷碳酸盐堰塞湖地貌。
Jiu Zhai Gou, called a ‘fairy tale world’and ‘wonderland’, islocated at upper reaches of Bai Shui River to the south of Jiu Zhai Gou town, and in the north of Go Er NαHump of Min Mount, It was called Zhong Yang Tong or Cui Hai in ancient times, and is at an altitude of between 2000 to 4300 meters. Core scenic area is 720 square kilometers, and the protected area is 600 square kilometers, The east side is linked with Ping Wu Town of Mianyang, and southwest is a neighbor with Song Pan Town. This area is 59 kilometers long and 19 kilometers wide, The Southern part is 400 kilometers away from Cheng Du, in a deep canyon in the high mountains.
Jiuzhaigou with pleasant weather in the four beautiful seasons. There are six famous scenic areas: Bao Jing Crag, Shu Zheng, Nuo Ri Lang, Jian Yon, Chang Hai and Zha Ru. Connecting those places there are roads and bridges; simple and unsophisticated stockade villages, with different social customs, giving us changing emotions.
春之色 color of the Spring
The light green in spring, clear and fresh
Spring of Jiu Zhai is not the same as Chiangnan, as the last snowfalls dancing iike fluffy cotton in the eariy spring sky of early spring, peach blossom flowers compete with snowflakes, ice on the trees begin melt and water in spring is rising and the frozen water surface turning translucent, One side of the river is still solid with ice and the otherαIready moving with the rhythm of spring, blue sky and green water forming a nice contrast.
Before seeing Jiu Zhai Gou, it seems that nobody has seen this kind of sky or water.
Springtime in jiu Zhai, all kinds of beautiful flowers gather, blue sky, light green trees, everything wakes up from the deep winther sleep. Melting snow forms many streams, joining together. Reflected images of blazung color plants bring you another kind of feeling.
![]() The jadeite green, transparent water, charming mountain…….Facing the ‘Beautiful and tranquil history’, any exaggerated and random for Jiuzhai is wrong and we only can feel her with our quiet heart.
夏之容 Summer Looks of the Summer
夏来绿荫围湖,鹰飞燕舞 The lake is surrounded by greenery, and flying birds
Summer in Jiu Zhai comes without you being aware, it just follows and deepens but is so much more beautiful, mountains appear to be greener and water is bluer,than in spring time. ; Jiu Zhai is showing off its incomparable water scenery. Sky is so blue at this moment and golden sunlight…
Water is the living spirit and mysterious source of Jiu Zhai Gou. Beautiful scenery leads people into dreaming, by the many lakes and waterfalls, active and quiet, which can be quiet as mirror or active as a running horse; Or in red and green, or in blazing color; Or streams and lakes, wild flowers and green trees.
秋之趣 Autumn pleasure of the Autumn
秋至红叶铺山,采林满目 In autumn, the forests on the mountains will turn into a beautiful red colors.
![]() 轻霜初降,层林尽染。火红的枫叶、枣红的栌叶、金黄的椴叶、缉红的山槐、还有那串串野果,它们以燃烧生命最后的辉煌描绘出一幅令人心醉的、水树云天交相辉映的金秋画卷深秋的九寨,是所有人梦中的天堂······
In autumn, green reeds are fading into yellow, cool wind blows away the green of summer and autumn comes to us. The colors are red with traces of green, changing the lakes, forests and ravines……
Lightfrost covers the forest -fiery red maple leaves, purplish red, yellow leaves with stringy wild fruits, describing a golden autumn picture as they come to the end of their sea sonal life. Autumn in Jiu Zhai, is heaven in the, dreams of all people…..
There in no place as colorful as Jiu Zhai Gou which gets so much praise. There, every living thing are clear, each kind of color is imprimted into the sub conscious mind. This will influence each tourist, making them intoxicated in this beautiful and mysterious fairy land.
冬之韵 Winter charm of the winter
冬临雪裹山峦, 冰瀑如玉 Visit snow-capped mountain in winter, the ice waterfall looks like jade.
这是 一个静谧、纯洁、无暇的童话世界·····
![]() This is a quiet, pure and honest fairy tale world……
国宝 Golden Monkey PANDA
In the endowed magic land, legendary animals inhabit here. The golden monkeys and giant pandas which are the national treasures describe their own tales here. Their bodies, no matter in stream bank or woods, would capture our vision.
Local conditions and customs of tibetan people and Qiang Zu 500 years ago, Tibetan people migrated to Jiuzhaigou, and for generations, and the Qiang Zu, Hui Zu and Han Zu groups of people created the Kang Ba cuiture. Fine clothing, sharp swords worn at the waist, mellow Tibetan barley liquor, pure white hada, cheerful step dances all show an enthusiasmfor life; Every where you can see the religious stone piles and the Lanla towers,these are indicators of reverence and respect to their beliefs.
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