2009-05-15 19:17:14 作者:guojing 来源:景观中国 浏览次数:
华盛顿州州长Christine Gregoire近日签署了第5273法律,该法升级了景观设计师国家行政许可法。在2010年前的50个证照运动中,这一法律是华盛顿州第45次常规法令,以及第15个建立这一常规法令的州。祝贺华盛顿州景观设计师,在这方面勤奋的努力得到了认可。
Washington State Governor Christine Gregoire has signed into law SB 5273, which upgrades the state’s licensing law for landscape architects. With her signature, Washington State becomes the 45th practice act and the 15th state to establish a practice act since the start of the 50 by 2010 licensure campaign. Congratulations to Washington State landscape architects, and all who worked so diligently on this effort.