
2009-07-27 22:13:44         来源:筑龙网     浏览次数:



   所 在 地:中国 天津
  KSP Engel und Zimmermann建筑事务所获得了天津艺术画廊设计的一等奖。中国政府通过投资这一新文化建筑力求抵制经济危机。这座面积33000平米的艺术画廊将是该城市90公顷文化和休闲广场的一个组成部分,同时也包括一个歌剧院和其他娱乐中心。

  KSP Engel und Zimmermann Architekten was awarded first prize for their Tianjin Art Gallery proposal. The Chinese government has been investing in new cultural buildings in an effort to battle the economic crisis by creating this new form of investment plan. The 33,000m2 art gallery will be one component in the city’s 90 ha cultural and leisure quarter, which will also include an opera house and other recreational centers.


