
2020-08-27 15:57:06         来源:Paul Johann Magnus -     浏览次数:1574

  The “Schwitzhütte” (german for: sweat lodge) understands itself as a landscape furniture and adopts corresponding structural characteristics. While the formal language is influenced by the principles of the material wood, the interior shape is adapted to human body dimensions. Aspects such as physicality, intimacy, visual references and lighting conditions play a major role and are expressed in a space-creating way. In addition to the social aspect, the small, mobile building consciously addresses the relationship between space and time and as nomadic architecture, the feeling of the archaic primeval hut.Fitting on a small, standard car trailer the sauna hut can be transported even to places that are difficult to access. By setting the sauna down, it is uncoupled from the trailer and lowered using the attachable swivel outriggers. In this way, the furniture can be located, levelled and adapted to the respective topography and brought to a comfortable entrance height.

  Schwitzhütte,是一个德语词,是桑拿房的意思。设计者将其作为一个景观装置以创造空间的方式表达出来,外部采用纯木材,内部设置符合人体尺寸。这座小型建筑还解决了空间问题,可以将其看为游牧建筑,展现了原始小屋的风貌。桑拿小屋可安装在小型汽车拖车上,可以随车长途跋涉。到达目的地后,它可以从挂车上脱开并使用可连接的旋转支腿降低高度。 这样,可以对装置进行固定,调整并使其适应各自的地形,并达到舒适的入口高度。

  The sauna room, offering space for up to four people, is formed by two spatial bodies pushed into each other along the axes of movement. The upright body with skylights helps to straighten and orientate oneself when entering and leaving the building. The wider body increases the floor space limited by the trailer and forms the side benches. Dealing with wood is about taking into account the material’s typical properties. By avoiding synthetic materials, a solid wood construction appeared which meets the requirements of a characteristic sauna with optimal weight reduction.


  The main construction uses only two different solid wood diameters: the spruce square timber profile as the supporting skeleton and the thin Douglas fir board, which forms the wall and thus the breathable skin of the sauna room. Without the use of glue and screws, the complex processing of both profiles results in an interplay of a bolted tongs frame in which the wall boards, held by inserted burr strips, are integrated in a stabilizing manner. The relatively high shrinkage and swelling behaviour of the wood to be expected as a result of extreme fluctuations in humidity and temperature has been taken into account and is thus constructively compensated by the mobility of the boards along the ridge strip joint. A slotted hole connection on the ceiling clamp enables the false ceiling to be lowered through readjustment. This restores the joint tightness and stability of the overall construction if required.

  建筑材料仅使用两种不同的实木:云杉作为支撑骨架,而薄的道格拉斯冷杉板则做墙壁,从而形成了桑拿室的透气皮肤。 在不使用胶水和螺钉的情况下,两个木材的加工使螺栓钳架相互作用,其中由插入的毛刺条固定的墙板以稳定的方式集成在一起。

  While the construction is kept undisguised and easily readable outside, the clear, tidy interior avoids any distraction. Apart from the stove, made from a recycled gas bottle, there are no metal parts inside. This would heat up considerably at the high room temperatures and lead to unpleasant burns on physical contact. The inside of the boards are untreated, while the old Japanese wood preservation method „Shou Sugi Ban“, is used on the outside. The flame treatment of the surface ensures a durable and natural impregnation. The resulting black coloring additionally accentuates the contrast between interior and exterior.

  除了炉灶外,里面没有金属零件。木板的内部未经处理,而外部则采用了日本古老的木材保存方法“ Shou Sugi Ban”。 木材表面经过火焰处理可以保存的更持久, 产生的黑色还加重了内部和外部之间的对比度。

  Project name:   Schwitzhütte

  Project location:  movable, built in Germany

  Company name:  Paul Johann Magnus - Arkitektur & Håndverk

  Completion Year:  2019

  Photo credits:  © Paul Johann Magnus



  设计公司:Paul Johann Magnus - Arkitektur & Håndverk


  摄影师:Paul Johann Magnus















