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意格将召开答谢会 探讨应对变化的设计之道
中国风景园林网讯 世界格局在快速变化,生态环境和气候日益恶化,风景园林设计更需要多元发展与沟通合作。为此,意格设计公司将召开新闻发布答谢会,和业界人士一起探讨如何"以道御术"、"道法自然"。 据悉,会议将于3月12日和19日分别在上海、北京两地举行,主题是“应对变化的设计之道”。届时,意格公司将邀请近150位来自地产界、设计界、教育界以及政府机关、协会和媒体等机构的宾朋。会议旨在交流中西文化,探讨新旧设计思潮,展示国际优秀设计项目,开展国际市场合作。意格公司将安排多位来自国际的资深主创设计师在会上进行演讲。 中国风景园林网作为邀请参会媒体将对会议做详细报道,敬请关注。 附: 暂定日程安排: 15:30-16:20 媒体见面会 16:20-16:30 茶歇 16:30-18:00 演讲时间
18:15-18:30 晚宴开场表演 18:30-19:30 马晓暐致辞 19:30-20:30 晚宴及节目表演
联系人: 上海意格:王 静 021-64721072-8162 markets@ager.com.cn
AGER - Positioned for a changing world Purpose: We are experiencing a period of the most rapid global change in history. Climate change, drastic swings in world economics and other challenges face us. To deal with these complex challenges we need to address them on a global basis in new and innovative ways. The Asia Region is rapidly becoming a center of innovation and enterprise that is taking an increasingly large role in world events adding diversity how we think about solutions to problems. Our leadership has recognized this for many years and has worked quietly and diligently to assemble a team of highly skilled and talented designers from around the world to offer diverse alternatives for complex issues. We invite you, our friends and clients to join us in this journey to make a difference in the quality of life for all on our planet by taking a different approach to world challenges. In the spirit of the season we wish you all a warm spring and look forward to seeing you at the party. Program: Chinese Round Table Banquet and Speakers Program Schedule: 15:30-16:20 - Medias meeting Speaker Topic
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