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--林园分区(方案一) 园林04-3 李洁冰 指导教师:蔡凌豪 摘要 林园分区位于十涧湖国家湿地公园的偏西南位置,西接刘岗塘分区,东接湿地植物园分区,占地面积99.27ha,其中水面占地约16.31ha。 利用二级园路将本地块划分为巨石森林区、森林别墅区、森林木屋区、萤火虫之岛、定向越野区、荒村花园区、滨水木栈道集中区、防护林区八个景观分区。 对园区内环境进行水系规划、分区规划、道路及交通系统规划、景观结构规划、驳岸材质与间歇性淹水区域规划等。并对重要地块进行详细规划设计。 关键词:湿地,林园分区,生态恢复 Shi Jianhu National Wetland Park in Huainan of Anhui Province Landscape Planning--Forestry Division(Scheme One) Landscape Acthitecture 04-3 Li Jie-bing Supervisor Cai Ling-hao Abstract The forestry division is located in the southwest of Shi Jianhu National Wetland Park in Huainan of Anhui Province.In the west of the forestry division is Liu Gang Lake division.In the east is the Botanical Garden of wetland plant.The site area is 99.27ha,and the water area is 16.31ha. The second grade garden roads divide the site into 8 landscape division sceneries zones:the division of forestry wooden houses,the division of megalith forestry,the divison of forestry villas,the islands of fireflies,the devision of directional crosscountry,the garden of deserted village,the concentration area of wooden trestles,the devision of protection forest. The planning content including water system planning,district planning zoning,landscape structure planning,revetment and intermittent submergence zone planning,and detailed concept design of key area. Key words:Wetland,the forestry division,Ecological Restoration
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