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园林04-6班 吕锐 指导教师 朱建宁 摘要 随着中国现代化进程和农业机械化进程的逐渐深入,越来越多的农业人口将转变为城市人口,同时为了防止超级大城市的无限膨胀,这些新兴的城市居民会被安置在象山东省寿光市这样的县级市里,这种城市将在未来有一个较大程度的膨胀。如何合理的利用当地的自然条件---比如河流,良好的组织城市生活,引导城市的合理发展,防止城市的赛博化,是这个设计案例的实际意义。 关键词: 城市膨胀,引导方法,河流整治,景观改造。 Abstract As the process of Chinese modernization and the use of machine be popular in this country. Many residents in country will move into the cities. The government will prevent the super huge cities(like Beijing,Shanghai) walk into chaos. So many new residents will be placed in the secondary cities like Shouguang. There will be a huge expansion of these city. How to utilize the resource rationally (like a river) to organize the live of residents, guide the develop of different blocks, prevent cyberisation of the cities, these are the current signification of this case. Key word: expansion of city, method of guide, arrangement of rivers, rebuilt of landscape. ![]()
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