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园林03-6 梁斯佳 指导教师 林洋 摘要 2003年,在北京建设国际化大都市和筹办2008年奥运会的新形势下,首钢服从和服务于首都的大局,进行大规模的停产,并筹备搬迁。首钢工业区搬迁后,工业废弃地的使用就成为首先要解决的问题,首钢石景山主厂区占地面积7.07平方公里,家属区3平方公里。另外,特钢公司、首钢重型机器厂工厂及家属区占地1.67平方公里。规划范围共计8.08平方公里。该地区与市区交通联系便捷、基础设施良好,是城市发展难得的拓展空间。土地资源的稀缺性使其有必要实现最佳用途,以提高城市整体土地资源利用效率。首钢的前身为石景山钢铁厂,建于1919年,是中国近代最早的钢铁厂之一,见证了中国钢铁工业发展的历程。首钢在中国钢铁史上创造了数个第一,也留下了特色鲜明的钢铁工业景观。其中生产过程中用于冷却水的凉水池、具有标识性和历史意义的炼钢高炉、大跨度单层厂房等等都是潜在的工业遗产。石景山厂既包含石景山山体、永定河水体等自然景观元素,又具有区级文物保护单位石景山古建筑群、石景山古井等承载当地历史文化的人文景观元素,它们作为地区特色的物质载体,应在规划中予以充分的尊重并得到妥善处理。 本研究以分析首钢搬迁面临的问题为切入点,有针对性的选取国内外老工业基地改造的案例,供搬迁工作人员借鉴和参考。考虑到首钢主厂区面积较大,搬迁涉及问题较复杂,研究采用通过系统研究西方后工业景观的实践经验,加以综合整理,从而借鉴和学习;系统性的对首钢工业区现状资源进行理性分析,为进一部的规划设计奠定基础;再充分借鉴西方经验,掌握现状资源的基础上,进行跨越尺度,层次深入的规划设计,从不同的角度给首钢搬迁工作以启示和指导。 关键词:后工业景观,现状资源分析,首钢主厂区,西方案例分析 Shougang industrial landscape research and the post-industrial landscape planning of shougang Landscape architecture 03-6 liang si-jia Supervisor lin yang Abstract In 2003, under the preparation for the 2008 Olympics, Shougang subordinated to the overall situation of the capital for large-scale production, and prepared for the relocation. For the relocation of industrial zones, the use of industrial waste land have become the first problem to solve. Shougang main factory covers 7.07 square kilometers, three square kilometers of families area. In addition, the Special Steel Company, Shougang heavy machinery factories and factory housing area are of 1.67 square kilometers. Total planning scope is 8.08 square kilometers. The urban areas which has convenient transport links, with a good infrastructure, is a rare space to develop.Shougang's predecessor in Shijingshan which was built in 1919, is the first modern steel industry in china, witnessed the development of China's iron and steel industry in the past. History of shougang in China,as the first modern steel industry ,leaved the most distinct features of the industry landscape. The cooling pond, Large Span factories and so on is the potential industrial heritage. Shijingshan factory contains both Shijingshan Hill, the Yongding River and other natural landscape elements. Shijingshan ancient buildings, Shijingshan old well which is district-level units is to be protected. Also the local historical and cultural elements of the cultural landscape. The planning should be fully respected and properly handled. The analyze of the Shougang relocation problems is the focal point, we selected domestic and international transformation of the old industrial base relocation for reference. the main factory of Shougang relocation involves more complicated issues. We can learn from the Research used by the system in Western post-industrial landscape of practical experience, thereby, the systematic industrial zone of the status resources in Shougang and the analysis and planning lay the foundation for the design; drawing on Western experience and resources of the status, From a different perspective to the relocation of Shougang inspiration and guidance, we can do in-depth planning and design. Key words:post-industrial landscape planning, the status analysis, shougang main factory, the western case Analysis
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