[日期:2009-12-08]  来源:北林  作者:   发表评论(0)打印

  演讲主题 Speaking Topic


  In search of memory in the landscape --- Do you remember that place?

  Speaker Introduction 主讲者简介


  Christian is a landscape architect and urban designer with 20 years of experience in landscape architecture, urban design, resort planning & design, and community planning. His experience on a number of complex projects within the United States, China and other parts of South East Asia has spanned the full spectrum of services from conceptual design and programming to detailed design and implementation of projects. Christian currently serves as Director of Landscape Design for Sasaki Associates in San Francisco. Christian completed his undergraduate work at Cal Poly Pomona where he received his first professional degree in landscape architecture (BSLA) and the American Society of Landscape Architects (ASLA) Certificate of Merit for excellence in the study of landscape architecture. He went on to graduate from Harvard University’s Graduate School of Design with his post professional degree in landscape architecture (MLA II) with an emphasis in urban design.

  克里斯在景观建筑城市设计领域有20年的从业经历。曾在美国、中国和其他东南亚国家进行过全程的设计工作。目前克里斯任职于SASAKI旧金山公司担任总监。在加入SASAKI之前,克里斯与他的妻子詹妮弗一起在旧金山创立了一个设计工作室,完成了很多获奖项目包括城市广场、校园、雕塑公园、私家别墅、度假区等设计。著名的项目有曾荣获ASLA国家奖项的旧金山560 Mission Street广场、LEED金奖认证的位于Sacramento的加州公共雇用养老基金会总部。克里斯在东南亚和中国有着长期的实践经验,涉及的领域包括城市设计、规划及旅游度假设计。此外,他还长期担任伯克利加利福尼亚大学,规划与涉及组的客座评审。

  时间:  2009.12.8  18:30 - 20:30

  地点: 北京林业大学主楼714(海淀区清华东路35号)联系: 010-62336294 刘老师

  Time:6:30PM- 8:30PM, 8th, Dec., 2009

  Address: Room 714, Main Building, Beijing Forestry University. Contact: 021-62336294  Mr. liu


  This event is hosted by "AGER Group" and "Beijing Forestry University"

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