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中国风景园林网讯 2009年2月,第七届园博会组委会办公室通过中国风景园林网向全国公开征集园博园国际展区设计师园8个展园的设计方案,截止2月底,共收到49份设计方案。2009年3月27日,第七届园博会指导协办组专家在济南对设计师园的49份设计方案进行了评审。 本次评审遵循公平、公正的原则,密封方案设计者姓名、单位,按随机编号顺序评审。专家们对各设计方案的主题、创意、展园布局、景观效果、生态体现及新材料、新技术应用等进行了详细、认真的评审,共评选出优胜奖8名、优秀奖8名、鼓励奖10名。以下是鼓励奖方案--“心之乡”展示。 心之乡 人,在内心深处,无不具有一种归家的渴望。现代人是天生的无家可归者,归家是现代人最深沉的诉求,是他至死不泯的乡愁。如诺瓦利斯说:"现代人是一群离家出走的漂泊者"。 "家"意味着什么呢?它指通常所谓的 "家乡"、"故土"、"婚姻共同体"、"血缘共同体"和"居所"吗?"家"的确是人的"栖居之所",但却远非上述意义上的居所,它在根本上指人生存的"世界"。只有一个地方让我们感觉异常安心,那地方便是故乡,故乡便是我们的心居住的地方。 方案中直插入土的0.75X2x6M的青砖巷道,形成只容一人委身通过的狭小空间,象征着离家流浪的沉重艰辛,倾斜的屋架和随之逐渐展开的空间,意味着对故乡产生的切肤的思念的升华,并由此踏上返乡之路,重返心灵的故乡。 红色粘土空心砖形成阡陌交通的园路,划分出大小的田块,田内种植的是依稀存在于城市人对故乡的记忆中的"陌生"植物:红薯、芝麻、玉米、萝卜、油菜、南瓜、花生、小麦、大豆…… 方案中对于故乡的追忆,也体现在树木的配置上,全部选用了农村常见乡土树种,且各自成景:"村口"的大银杏树;"墙根"的枸树;"小院"中的柿子树;"水渠"边的旱柳树;"屋后"的枫杨树。 SPIRIT COUNTRY There always has a kind of aspiration to go back "home". Modernist are the inherent homeless people. "Go Back Home" is the deepest demand of the modernist as the nostalgia to his death. Just as Novalis said::" Philosophy is really homesickness." What's the meaning of "Home"? Is it the "homeland", "hometown", "combo of the marriage", "combo of the blood" or the "habitation"? "Home" is a "habitation" of course, but not only contains these significances. It indicate the "world" for people living. There's only one place can set our heart rest---Country, where our hearts live in. The 0.75x2x6M black brick laneway which cut in the land formed a narrow space for only one person to go through, which symbolize the hardships and suffering to tramp out of the country. Declining house structure and expanding space according to it implied as the sublimation to miss the country. Thereout, people set foot on the road to go back home and to the spirit country. The red hollow bricks paved a garden pathway as different farmland in which there are various kind of "strange" plants to the citizens as sweet potatos, gingili, corn, carrots, cole, squashs,peanut,wheat,soy……
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