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(ASLA)专业设计奖-分析与规划类荣誉奖--崇明岛北湖地区新场地设计(New Terrain for the North Lake Region of Chongming Island) 2008美国景观景观设计协会(ASLA)专业设计奖-分析与规划类荣誉奖 简介: 项目地点:中国上海 设计单位:SWA 设计团队,洛杉矶,加利福尼亚州 项目委托:上海市城市规划管理处 Shanghai, ChinaSWA Group, Los Angeles, Californiaclient: Shanghai Urban Planning Administrative Bureau 评委会评语: 项目具有很好的发展潜力,是一个对世界其他地方景观设计具有示范作用的实例。景观设计师应该为他们在项目中的人性化设计而受到褒扬。 This project has a great deal of potential for good and is a valuable demonstration of what might be done anywhere in the world. The landscape architects deserve recognition for the humanity they bring to this project. 作品介绍: 中国上海崇明岛北湖地区新场地设计总方案,重建了34.5平方公里的位于地球北部世界上最大的冲积岛。该计划实际上涉及了全球可持续发展问题,固碳和湿地恢复问题,同时为上海居民提供了教育和娱乐需求。他在处理经济和可持续性问题上提供了一些创新性思维。 The master plan for the North Lake Region of Chongming Island, in Shanghai, China, provides for the redevelopment of 34.5 square kilometers in the northern portion of the world's largest alluvial island. The plan physically addresses global issues of sustainable development, carbon sequestration and wetland restoration, while providing for the educational and recreational needs of the residents of Shanghai. It provides several innovations in dealing with ecological and economic sustainability.
编辑:xiayu |
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