[日期:2009-07-07]  来源:景观中国  作者:   发表评论(0)打印

  国际城市土地学会(ULI)6月25日宣布Turenscape (北京土人景观建筑规划设计研究院)和中山市,凭歧江公园项目获得了2009年度ULI亚太区杰出荣誉大奖。ULI是一个享誉世界﹑涉及多种学科的城市建设与土地开发的平台,获此奖是对设计者和所在政府的一项肯定。中山市政府及土人设计向世界展现了对可持续发展及环境建设的重视﹐同时也为其他城市建设树立了一个良好的典范。


  2009年6 月24日,亚太区的获奖者均获邀前往新加坡St.Reigis出席2009年度ULI的庆功晚宴上,决赛作品都一一展现在萤光幕前。评审委员会主席宣布得奖名单,路彬先生代表俞孔坚博士在400多名投资者、开发商、学者、地产专家面前接过了奖章。


  The Central﹐星加坡(远东机构):坐落于新加坡河畔。The Central是一个混合用途的发展组合,由227工作单位、25 层高的办公大楼、畔河的商店及餐厅组合而成。

  北京华贸中心,中国北京( 北京国华房地产公司):华贸中心前身是一块棕地,现时是北京市一个最大的新兴商业区。由高层商厦、酒店、购物商场、1000个有花园的住宅单位、运河及公共公园组成。


  Daegu City Centre﹐Daegu﹐韩国(Doran Capital Partners; Triseas Korea Property Fund LP):Daegu City Centre把低廉的零售商店及低面值的办公楼改头换面,变成一个拥有203间豪华套房的酒店及大规划的购物商店,使之成为一个热闹繁华的地方。


  Namba Parks﹐日本大阪 (Nankai Electric Railway Co. Ltd.; Takashimaya Company Ltd.):1.15公顷的Namba Parks坐落于8 层高的零售中心。30层高的住宅大厦及办公大楼,公园树立屏障,为公园遮挡了阳光减少热力,为人口集的大坂注入自然气息。

  Newton Suites﹐新加坡 (UOL Group Ltd.):这是一个有气候意识的住宅楼,118个套房利用绿色设计技术,包括遮阳、屋顶种植、跨通风和垂直绿化牆。

  ‘Portico’ Scots Church Redevelopment (Westpoint Company):The ‘Portico’ Scots Church Redevelopment 把20世纪20年代时期的苏格兰教会和空间转换,使之成为一个现代拥有148 个合作式单位的建筑,建筑楼下低层作商业用途。

  Seismically-Resistant Sustainable Housing, Bagh and Jareed, 巴基斯坦 (Article 25):自从2005年10月巴基斯坦遭地震破坏后,这一国际救援计划利用当地材料、劳动力和资源,注入适当的施工技术于这一地震多发区。在巴基斯坦落后的北部建造了70个可持续和防地震的房屋。

  HortPark 游客中心,新加坡(National Parks Board,星加坡):在23公顷的HortPark里,游客中心是一个重要的游客定向点。这地方因它灵活透风的设计,成为举办活动的好地方。

  中山歧江公园,中国中山市:园址位于粤中造船厂旧址,总面积为11 公顷。水面面积3.6公顷,水面与岐江河联通。恢复了湿地,重建水岸线,景观的空间设计可窥见旧时代粤中船厂的历史。

  2009度ULI杰出荣誉大奖评委会: 亚太区评审团由土地利用、城市开发发展及设计专家组成: 印度RMZ Corp总经理Raj Menda; 香港Professional Property Services Ltd.,董事长Nicholas Brooke; 新加坡Urban Planning and Design,Urban Redevelopment Authority,所长Fun Siew Leng; 香港Aedas总经理 Fanny W.L. Lee; 日本ISSHO Architects 总裁Tomohisa Miyauchi,Director; 澳洲LandCorp,首席执行官Ross Holt。


  June 25th 2009

  The ULI Excellence Award 2009 given to the ZHONGSHAN SHIPYARD PARK.

  We are excited to announce Turenscape and the City of Zhongshan have been awarded with the ULI EXCELLENCE AWARD 2009 for the ASIA PACIFIC Region with the project of the ZHONGSHAN SHIPYARD PARK.This is an international showcase for the City of Zhongshan and TURENSCAPE while demonstrating that caring for sustainability and environmental projects along with a strong and comprehensive administrative support is an exemplary key for others to follow since Urban Land Institute (ULI) is one of the most prestigious, top preeminent, multidisciplinary real estate forum in the World based in the United States.

  Only four winners were selected for the Asia-Pacific Region and another two regions have also selected winning projects: Europe and Americas. THE ZHONGSHAN SHIPYARD PARK is in the way for a further competition process in between the three world regional winners for the GLOBAL AWARD OF EXCELLENCE,which will take place in San Francisco California on November later this year.

  On 24th June 2009, the ULI Awards for Excellence for ASIA-PACIFIC winners where honored at the REIW Asia 2009 Industry Gala Dinner at the St.Regis Singapore where a video featuring the award finalists was shown, the jury chair announced the winners and handled a plaque in front of an approximate audience of 400 investors, developers,scholars and real state professionals, where Alex Camprubi on behalf of Kongjian Yu received the award.

  The ZHONGSHAN SHIPYARD PARK was honored to be selected from the following finalists:

  The Central, Singapore (Far East Organization) Located next to the Singapore River, The Central is a mixed-use development comprised of 227 live/work units, a 25-story office tower, and a retail podium with riverside shops and restaurants. China Central Place, Beijing, China (Beijing Guohua Real Estate Co., Ltd.) Built on a former brownfield site, China Central Place—one of the largest developments in Beijing’s burgeoning central business district—integrates 3 high-rise office towers, two hotels, a shopping center, and over 1,000 multifamily units with gardens, canals, and a new public park. Crowne Plaza Changi Airport, Singapore (LaSalle Investment Management; L.C. Development Ltd.) Crowne Plaza Changi Airport is a 320-room business-class hotel built atop a leftover parcel comprising four lanes of busy roads and a circular car park ramp. Daegu City Centre, Daegu, Korea (Doran Capital Partners; Triseas Korea Property Fund LP) Daegu City Centre has repositioned a failed discount retail and low-cost office building into bustling lifestyle destination with a 203-room luxury hotel and an upscale retail mall, returning activity to the downtown core. Guangzhou Children’s Activity Center, Guangzhou, China (City of Guangzhou) The Guangzhou Children’s Activity Center, a civic facility with 43,200 square meters of educational, performance, and exhibition space where children learn about science, art, and technology, is visited by over 20,000 students daily and provides an iconic gathering place in the heart of the city. Namba Parks, Osaka, Japan (Nankai Electric Railway Co. Ltd.; Takashimaya Company Ltd.) A 1.15-hectare park sits atop an eight-level retail center and in the shadow of a 30-story residential and office tower at Namba Parks, reducing the heat island effect and infusing a natural amenity into Osaka’s dense urban core. Newton Suites, Singapore (UOL Group Ltd.) A climate-conscious residential tower, 118-unit Newton Suites utilizes a number of green design techniques, including sun shading, rooftop plantings, cross-ventilation, and a vertical green wall that climbs the height of the building. ‘Portico’ Scots Church Redevelopment (Westpoint Corporation) The ’Portico’ Scots Church Redevelopment is the conversion of the historic 1920s-era Scots Church and its airspace into a modern, 148-unit cooperative-style apartment building with commercial uses at the lower levels. Seismically-Resistant Sustainable Housing, Bagh and Jareed, Pakistan (Article 25) Following the devastation of the October 2005 earthquake in Pakistan, this international relief program constructed 70 sustainable and seismically-resistant homes in remote Northern Pakistan, using local materials, labor, and resources, instilling appropriate construction techniques for this earthquake-prone area. Visitor Centre at HortPark, Singapore (National Parks Board, Singapore) An orientation point for visitors to the HortPark in Singapore, the Visitor Centre is an important node in the 23-hectare park, acting as a popular event space due to its airy and flexible design. The Zhongshan Shipyard Park, Zhongshan, China (City of Zhongshan) Built on a dilapidated shipyard, the Zhongshan Shipyard Park is eleven hectares of reclaimed wetlands, restored shoreline, and landscaped park space that references its industrial past with salvaged docks and machinery. The 2009 ULI Awards for Excellence: Asia Pacific finalists were selected by a jury of renowned land use development and design experts: Raj Menda, Managing Director, RMZ Corp, INDIA; Nicholas Brooke, Chairman, Professional Property Services Ltd., HONG KONG; Fun Siew Leng, Group Director, Urban Planning and Design, Urban Redevelopment Authority, SINGAPORE; Fanny W.L. Lee, Managing Director, China, Aedas, HONG KONG; Tomohisa Miyauchi, Director, ISSHO Architects, JAPAN; Ross Holt, Chief Executive Officer, LandCorp, AUSTRALIA.

  This Award is represents to Turenscape recognition not only for design but for an holistic community benefit and land value besides demonstrating a good way to transform the surrounding neighborhood.

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