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关于《宁波杭州湾新区重要地区规划及城市设计国际方案征集》的征询函 宁波杭州湾新区位于宁波北部、杭州湾南岸,是长三角地区最具成长性和重要的经济增长极,国家统筹协调发展的先行区。 为建设国际化新城区,现决定开展宁波杭州湾新区重要地区规划及城市设计国际方案征集(以下简称“征集”),中国城市规划学会受宁波市杭州湾新区管委会委托,全权代理本次方案征集活动。 每块重要地区,组织单位将从国际上选择两至三家具有丰富相关规划、设计经验的公司或联合体参加方案征集。征集技术及商务详细要求将在《宁波杭州湾新区重要地区规划及城市设计国际方案征集技术文件》中明确。预计工作时间为2010年5月至2010年8月。 凡参加单位提交方案满足技术文件要求,经专家评审,第一名可获得人民币220万元奖金(含方案完善深化费),第二名获得100万元奖金,第三名可得60万元成本补偿费。 如有意向参与本次征集活动,请于2010年4月22日17:00时之前,以E-mail和Fax并举的形式告知我们,并提供相应报名材料。各参加设计单位或设计单位联合体在报名时必须填写《资格预审申请表》(见附件),明确参加设计组各专业领衔专家的名单。 如有意者可通过联系方式索取方案征集任务书。 我们在收到贵公司确认函后,经研究将正式通知贵公司是否入选。入选后,我们将向贵单位发出邀请书,组织签订相关合同,并提供《宁波杭州湾新区重要地区规划及城市设计国际方案征集技术文件》。 联系人:郭春英 安晓娇 地 址:北京市海淀区三里河路9号,住房与城乡建设部北配楼 邮 编:100037 电 话: 86-10-58323855, 86-10-58323856 移动电话:13522878957 传真: 86-10-58323852 E-mail:zixunbu@163.com Anxj@planning.gov.cn 中国城市规划学会 二〇一〇年四月十五日 Letter of Solicitation for the International Consultation of Key plots District Planning and Urban Design of New District of Hangzhou Bay, Ningbo Dear Sir or Madam, In the north of Ningbo, New district of Hangzhou Bay is located on the south bank of Hangzhou Bay. It is one of the most important emerging growth poles and a pilot area for the national integrated and coordinated development. To build a new district with international standard, the Ningbo Municipal Government of Zhejiang Province of the People’s Republic of China plans to solicit new district planning and urban design schemes from celebrated design companies around the world by means of invitation. Commissioned by the Ningbo Municipal Government, Urban Planning Society of China (UPSC) has been fully authorized to act as agent for the solicitation. For each key plot, three companies or consortium (The first-listed companies of the consortium shall be regarded as the principal company) shall be invited for the consultation. Detailed information concerning the area and the task will be provided in the Consulting documents for the International Consultation of Key Plots District Planning and Urban Design of New District of Hangzhou Bay, Ningbo. The expected work time shall be from May to August of 2010. If the companies’ design result conforms to the requirements of the consulting documents, through expert panel appraisal and review, there shall be one first prizewinner, with a prize amount of 2, 200,000 RMB; one second prizewinner, with a prize of 1,000,000 RMB; and one third prizewinner, with a prize of 60,000 RMB. If company you are interested, please inform us and fill out the qualification review form (attached) via both E-mail and fax before 5 pm. April 22th, 2010. In the qualification review form, you are required to provide the experts list in the relevant areas. Upon reception of your letter of acknowledgement, we are going to do the qualification review. Your company will be informed as to whether or not you are officially selected after the review. For those selected companies, we will issue you a formal Invitation Letter, sign relevant contract and provide you the Consulting documents for the International Consultation of Key Plots District Planning and Urban Design of New District of Hangzhou Bay Area, Ningbo. Contact information: Guo Chunying, An Xiaojiao Address: No.9 Sanlihe Road, Beijing, China, 10037 Tel: 86-10-58323855, 86-10-58323856 Mobile phone: 13522878957 Fax: 86-10-58323852 E-mail:zixunbu@163.com Anxj@planning.gov.cn Urban Planning Society of China April 15th, 2010
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