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08ASLA专业设计奖--James Clarkson 环境发展探索中心
(ASLA)专业设计奖-综合设计类荣誉奖--James Clarkson 环境发展探索中心(James Clarkson Environmental Discovery Center) 获奖信息: 2008美国景观景观设计协会(ASLA)专业设计奖-综合设计类荣誉奖 简介: 项目地点:美国密歇根州白湖镇区
设计单位:MSI 设计公司,哥伦布市,俄亥俄州 White Lake Township, Michigan MSI Design, Columbus, Ohio client: Huron-Clinton Metropolitan Authority 评委会评语: 景观设计师创造出了雅致、美丽和日渐好转的环境。植物配置表令人印象深刻,大量运用植物组群显示了景观专业性。尽管这些看起来似乎不费力气,但实际做到却并不容易。 The landscape architect has created a sense of grace, beauty, and healing. The plant list is particularly impressive and using plant communities is something to which the profession needs to pay more attention. Making something like this is not easy, yet it appears effortless 项目介绍: James Clarkson 环境发展探索中心致力于探险和自然环境保护,教育大家重视生物多样性,自然栖息地,和环境保护。恢复生态系统和其相关的野生动植物栖息地,优化自然界物种相互作用,同时维护和保护其敏感的生态区和濒危物种迫在眉睫。通过恢复和创造湿地,草原和森林生态系统来解读该地区的水文结构。这些,孩子们认为简直是太酷了。 The James Clarkson Environmental Discovery Center is dedicated to the exploration and celebration of the natural environment, educating users on the importance of biodiversity, native habitats, and environmental protection. Restored ecosystems and their associated wildlife inhabitants are within an arm's length, optimizing interaction with the natural world, while preserving and protecting its sensitive ecological areas and endangered species. Interpretation of the area's hydrology is articulated through the rehabilitation and creation of wetland, prairie, and forest ecosystems. And kids think it's really cool, too.
编辑:xiayu |
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