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08ASLA专业设计奖--Malibu 海边住宅
(ASLA)专业设计奖-居住区设计类荣誉奖--Malibu 海边住宅(Malibu Beach House) 获奖信息: 2008美国景观景观设计协会(ASLA)专业设计奖-居住区设计类荣誉奖 简介: 项目地点:美国加利福尼亚州Malibu市 设计单位:Pamela Burton 有限公司,加利福尼亚州,Santa Monica市 Malibu, California Pamela Burton & Company, Santa Monica, California 评委会评语: 如此美丽的居住区域!景观设计师对植物种植有着充分的把握,并在项目中添加了很多可持续性元素,这让整个项目更加精彩。 What a beautiful refuge! The landscape architect has a masterful hand with plants and added a lot of sustainable features to the project. Just terrific all around 项目介绍: 为了将三个海滨地段整合成一个使得对环境不感兴趣的人们开始对海滨环境敏感的海滨地段,景观建筑设计师恳请人们远离绿色草坪,劝说人们使用干燥的海滨沙种植耐干旱的观赏植物,例如地被植物。过段时间,居民们就开始明白这种可持续的种植方式的可贵性了。 In order to integrate three oceanfront lots in an environmentally sensitive manner for a client who had little interest in sustainability, the landscape architect wooed the client away from using green turf and persuaded him to use dry beach sand planted with drought-tolerant, ornamental grasses as ground cover. Over time the owner became convinced of the value of planting in a sustainable manner.
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