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08ASLA专业设计奖--San Juan岛居住区设计
( ASLA)专业设计奖-居住区设计类荣誉奖--San Juan岛居住区设计(San Juan Island Residence)获奖信息: 2008美国景观景观设计协会(ASLA)专业设计奖-居住区设计类荣誉奖 简介: 项目地点:美国华盛顿州San Juan群岛 设计单位:Paul Broadhurst有限公司,西雅图,华盛顿 San Juan Islands, WashingtonPaul Broadhurst & Associates, Seattle, Washington 评委会评语: 景观设计师使用不同色彩创造了一个十分浪漫的区域。设计低调合宜,做到这点很不容易。文脉和谐美好,是一个令人印象深刻的区域。 The landscape architect has created a romantic space with color. The design is not obvious, which is very difficult to achieve. The context and harmony are beautiful. What a memorable place. 项目介绍: 该设计显而易见的将其景观和赋予灵感的设计归结于展现的更多的地表植物。 The property's obvious attribute is its view, yet sensitive design has allowed the land to reveal more.
编辑:xiayu |
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