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08ASLA专业设计奖--Ketchum 居住区设计
![]() (ASLA)专业设计奖-居住区设计类杰出奖--Ketchum 居住区设计(Ketchum Residence) 获奖信息: 2008美国景观景观设计协会(ASLA)专业设计奖-居住区设计类杰出奖 简介: 项目地点:美国爱达荷州Ketchum市 设计单位:Lutsko合伙人有限公司,旧金山市,加利福尼亚州 Ketchum, IdahoLutsko Associates, San Francisco, California 评委会评语: 这是一个令人精神振奋的设计,它展示了景观设计师是怎样将家庭空间融入到传统邻里空间。房屋融入景观,植被颜色鲜艳,交通路线便捷,更有让人惊叹的常绿草坪。景观设计师给业主乃至他们的周围邻居增加了居住附加值,这里实在是一个适合居住的好地方。 A refreshing example of how landscape architecture can transform a home in a conventional neighborhood. The house dissolves into the landscape, the colors are beautiful, the path is simple, and the focus is on the unbelievable meadow. The landscape architect added great value for the owners, as well as their neighbors. What a wonderful place to live. 项目介绍: Ketchum居住区设计旨在与其典型的城郊地段的邻居相区别开来。附近的自然保护地植被作为一种策划恢复方案落实到居住区,将居住区的风景扩展开来;同时,为了调节人工的和野生植被,构建户外生活空间过渡区,居住区成为了生态系统循环的标记。 The Ketchum residence was designed in contrast to the typical suburban lots of its neighbors. The plant palettes of the adjacent nature preserve sweeps into the residential site as a form of orchestrated restoration that extends the site into the distant landscape. To mediate between the domestic and the wild, formally crafted outdoor living spaces inhabit the transition zones, punctuating it's relationship to the ecosystem beyond..
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