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在扇面上绘一幅水墨画———这种设计理念就是要在浦江岸边尽可能地模拟出一种原始的“滩”的状态,各类植物都呈现一种自然生长的布局。在这种看似随意的状态中,每一片绿化和周边道路、建筑等要素实际上都组成一个完整的体系。现有的浦江边高高的防汛墙将会“消失”。 Painted on a fan at ink --- The design philosophy is, as far as possible, to recreate on the river shores a simulation of the original "Beach"; in order to do this, all kinds of plants are showing a feeling of natural growth. In such a seemingly random layout, every green area, every road and every architectural element is actually forming a complete and precise system. River side of the existing high flood control wall will be hidden and will "disappear". 概况 规划用地面积: 约23.73公顷 Overview Planning land area: 约23.73公顷 看点 HIGHLIGHT 景点一:“和兴魅影”"He Xing old Shadow" 位于世博公园东端,为上世纪30年代老仓库,进行改造翻新后在这里可以体会到老工业的沧桑巨变。 Located in the eastern end of the Expo Park, this old warehouse from 1930’s, has been renovated to show the enormous changes the industry underwent during the last century. 景点二:“扇林风廊”"Fan Forests and Wind Gallery" 乔木骨架设计以折扇骨架为创作原型,均匀的在基地中布置整齐的南北向条状林地,有利于空气的对流及净化。 The framework of tree arrows takes inspiration from the Chinese folding fan. These trees are neatly arranged in the north-south direction, which is conducive to air convection and purification. 景点三:“地景建筑”Landscape Architecturer" 为了避开建筑体量过大对景观的影响,将景观与建筑完美结合,宽敞的二层观景平台为游客提供了北观江面,南赏园景的良好去处。 In order to avoid an excessive influence of constructions on land and the covering of a wide part of the ground, landscape and architecture are combined together; a spacious two-story viewing platform will offer visitors a view of the river toward north and of the unique landscape scenery toward south. 景点四:“跌水细溪”“Or water Hosotani” 为世博公园卢浦大桥以东的主景观水系,水景生动自然层层跌落,结合丰富的水生植物,给人清新自然之感。 At the east side of the Lupu Bridge, that leads to the World Expo Park area, a large water system, featuring vivid water elements and natural waterfalls, in combination with the use of abundant aquatic vegetation, will give visitors a fresh and natural feeling. 景点五:“江畔塔影”"Crane Wharf" 为保留的工业遗迹老码头。两座保留改造的工业塔吊为公园增添了深厚的文化历史底蕴,改造后的塔吊广场,在两座塔吊之间创造了一个开放式观景平台为游客提供了观赏休憩的场所。 The project preserves the remains of an old industrial pier along the river. The retention and renovation of two industrial cranes adds a deep cultural and historical significance to the park. After the transformation, the Crane Square, in between the two structures, will offer visitors a platform to enjoy the view and to spend time in the open air. 景点六“飞弧桥 ” "Air-arc Bridge" 位于世博公园中部,飞跨景观水系,直达黄浦江边。该桥身造型优美,犹如雨后彩虹浮现于一片翠绿中。游人拾步而上,视野逐渐开阔,雄壮的黄埔江和卢浦大桥尽收眼底。 The "Air Arc Bridge" is located in the central part of the Expo Park; passing across the water landscape, it is a direct access to the Huangpu River. The bridge architecture is sleek, bright, like a rainbow after the rain. Climbing up the steps, visitors’ visual field will gradually open, till offering a magnificent panoramic view of the Huangpu River and the Lupu Bridge. 景点七:“近望彩虹”"Over the last hope Rainbow" 景点作为世博公园保留的工业码头,是观赏卢浦大桥的最佳视觉区域,每当夜幕降临,可以在这里观赏到卢浦大桥如同彩虹般映入江心。 Another Expo Park important attraction is the retained industrial wharf overlooking the Lupu Bridge direction. From here, you can have the best view of the river, when night falls down and the bridge appears as a colorful rainbow shining over the water. 景点八:“生态溪流 "Eco-stream" 作为自然式水系,丰富的水生植物配置,营造趣味自然空间。同时该处毗邻宝钢大舞台,为游客提供驻足观赏点。 Designed as a green water system, this part of the park will offer visitors natural-like spaces, created through an abundant configuration of aquatic plants. Adjoining to the Baoshan Steel Corporation pavilion, it will provide visitors a place to stop and rest. 景点九:“卢浦倒影”"Lupu Reflection" 该处公共建筑外立面全部采用垂直绿化,营造出一个立体的绿色空间,同时公园自然湿地水镜位于该建筑的东北面,卢浦大桥在这片优美的水镜中倒影出雄伟的身姿,游客可在此处欣赏如此奇妙佳景。 Used in all public buildings where the vertical green facade, creating a three-dimensional green space,a natural wetland Park named water mirror located on the northeast side of the building. Lupu Bridge, has his reflection of a majestic posture in the water, where visitors can enjoy such a wonderful pleasant phase.
由水杉林贯通的南北景观视线通廊,创造出强大震撼的空间模式,同时该处采用的雾喷系统在展会期间将会为参观者提供一个梦幻般的体验空间。 A fir forest is linking the North-South Corridor line of sight to create a powerful shock of the spatial patterns, and the fog spray will make it a dream-like experience for visitors during the exhibition period. “滩”"River Trace"
编辑:jojo |
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